Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jimmy Kimmel & Ben Affleck

OK...I sort of heard about this but didn't pay much attention to it. Then some tabloid tv show mentioned it and I sort of heard more about. Well thanx to YouTube I was able to find it.

If you are at work, you may not want to play it at work because all of the bleeping will get you some attention. It gave me a good laugh today. And I realize that I'm probably the last person to post this.

1 comment:

Viv said...

ROFLMAO!! I had seen the Matt Damon one, which I love for being a good sport always, not uptight like some other great actors. The Will & Grace he did is my fav of all time!!

This Ben aflek one, hahahaha! That is great how they got everyone to sing in like "Feed The World"! Thanks for making laugh supah hard this am