Thursday, February 14, 2008


I am a regular reader of London Preppy. One his trademarks is to put orange red rectangular boxes over the eyes of people.

So this morning when I was reading the paper, I ran across photos from a party that was a benefit for Diverse Works. I love the theme of the party, Come Clean Leave Dirty. Anywho...

I ran across this photo of some Fanilows. At first I thought someone had put black boxes across their eyes and then I realized they're glasses!

OK... here is a London Preppy pic:

And here is the pic from Come Clean Leave Dirty:

photo credit: Dave Rossman


London Preppy said...

Ha ha! Awesome. Let's hope they come in red too

Viv said...

That is too funny the black boxes. I so need a signature trademark.

nickabouttown said...

The "person" (can't tell the gender) in the red shirt needs a black box over their entire being...