Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Today's WWMPD?

I took The Calvinator out for his morning stroll and while we were out and about it started to rain; we continued on our journey.

When we returned to our little corner of NoRO, I tuned into Anthony Yanez at Click 2 Houston: Your Education Station. He said that the rain would come in bands.

It was 6:00a.m. and I really wanted to go for a run. I like to run in the rain if it is one of those nice Summer showers that cools things off before the city turns into a sauna. So I debated and I thought, "WWMPD?"

I went to LeFittes and did a treadmill run with inclines. I HATE running on a treadmill and I HATE running inclines on a treamill. So it was double hatred this morning but I did it anyway. And in my mind, I thought, "This is what Michael Phelps would do if he had to get ready for a Krewe Ball in February."

1 comment:

AnnaBanana said...

I must have missed it -- what's the theme of the ball next year?