Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Olympic Fever

I've always been fascinated by the Olympics...more so the Summer games than the Winter games. I guess it goes back to being a fat kid whose clothes came from The Husky Department at Montgomery Ward. There's no place in the Olympics for fat kids. Uniforms would have to come from Montrose Tent & Awning.

The first Olympic Games that I actually remember watching was Mexico City 1968. I remember helping my parents do the laundry while watching the closing ceremonies. I also remember this.
Then there was Munich 1972. It was interrupted when the Israeli team was attacked in the dorm. This is one of the images I remember from Munich.
And who can forget the Mary Decker/Zola Budd incident in Los Angeles 1984? If I really thought about it, there is probably one or two things from each of the Olympics that I remember.

Anywho. So, I've been making The Calvinator watch the games with me and I think most nights I have fallen asleep before him. It's not that I'm bored with the Olympics, it's just that ever since Friday night I've been really tired and part of that has to do with over exerting myself.

For instance, yesterday morning I met runnerOne at Memorial Park at 5:45 a.m. CDT. We did some speed work around the park. So being in the Olympic spirit, I went to spin class later in the day and let's just say I was passed out by 9:00 p.m. I'm just not as young as I used to be. I wonder if napping is an event in the Senior Olympics? I'd probably win.

So I'm sitting here waiting for Michael Phelps to win another gold medal while watching women's gymnastics and wondering how they twist and turn and vault and fly in the air. Better them than me!


Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

Geesh The relay team crushed the WR by like 5 seconds...

Phelps is so on his way to 8 friggin golds, so sick !!

Actually what is great is watching this with DVR cause I fly through the commercials, bounce around to the other channel that covers it and zip through some of the events... ahhh technology --ye ye

mjr1066 said...

Sorry but that napping medal is MINE!!

Viv said...

I have the fever too Timmy and the only cure is more cowbe..oops I mean Phelps and Locthe half naked and teasing me by lowering their speedos. LMAO!

Hey there was hope for the husky kids, and still husky adult moi' sumo wrestling. Geez, I might get the gold in that.

Rick said...

I was up early the other day and the local news was showing a live shot at Memorial Park. I was surprised to see runners at 4:45 am.
So much eye candy at the Olympics but I don't have the patience to watch for long.