Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sabotage & Karma

Have you ever sabotaged yourself? That question goes to everyone but more specific to runners.

I planned on running 6 miles this morning but I started putting some thoughts into my head as I was making my way to the park. My right knee will prolly hurt. I didn't eat right yesterday. It's too humid. I didn't drink enough water. I only ran on Tuesday and didn't get in any other runs. I feel fat. Blah, blah, blah.

Well needless to say, my 6 mile run didn't happen this morning. I only ran 4 and part of that was a few walking breaks in there.

I know. Running isn't only a physical thing, it is a mental thing also. Fiddle dee dee. There's always tomorrow or Monday to get back into mental shape.

I dropped The Calvinator off to get groomed. He didn't want to stay and tried to make a run for it. He's quick.

Anywho. I made my way over to the dog show at Reliant Park. I was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of exhibits, dogs, people, etc. Who knew that there was so much dog stuff to sell???

So now we get to the karma portion of this posting...

I had just made my way through all of the exhibits and was going to go look at the dogs and the judging. (I had already watched some Frisbee catching and some dog + human dancing...don't get me started on that subject!) So it's a bit crowded in the walkway and there is a man pushing a stroller and his wife is saying "Watch out. Watch out." He says, "I am!" And I'm thinking, "What a b!tch." And then it happened. I stepped in big pile of dog poo. THAT'S what she was telling him to watch out for. UGH! Some dog pooped in the middle of an aisle on cement no less.

I was so sure everyone could smell me coming. I went to the bathroom and got into a stall and did my best to clean my shoe. Then I didn't care and went to the sink and used wet paper towels with soap. I WAS hungry but this incident made me lose my appetite.

Once I was sure no one could smell me, I made my way back out to the show and stumbled across Bob Kennedy and Chris Lewis showing their Pomeranians. I'm not a big Pom fan 'cause they yap. Anywho...both of their dogs won! 1st AND 2nd.

So...I guess I should go buy The Secret and read it. And I guess I shouldn't think bad things about people.

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