Monday, October 8, 2007

Catchin' Up

Editor's note: I actually started writing this on Sunday evening but got distracted and then passed out...uh, I mean fell asleep watching Desperate Housewives. I just ain't as young and energetic as I used to be!

So remember, when you're reading this I wrote it on Sunday.

It's been a busy few days. AttyHou, Everyday Italian and I have just returned from an afternoon party but before I give you the details about that I'll digress to Friday.


I'm not really sure where the day went to! Let me think. I overslept so I didn't make it to spin class at LeFittes. In fact, I haven't been making it to LeFittes like I should. I need to get back on track with that. NOTE TO SELF: Go to the gym.

I spent most of the morning doing stuff (i.e. buying soft drinks, mixers, working on the alcohol order) for Fais Do Do. I met up with Blaine and dropped off some ice chests and helped him move some stuff. Before I knew it, it was well after 200p and I hadn't eaten lunch which probably explains the headache.

Legacy was the beneficiary of an event at Design Within Each which was done in conjunction with Salon On Kirby. It was a fun party!

Cool stuff in the store. Take some champagne, wine and beer, add a few nibbly things, add a silent auction of some cool artwork and throw in some pretty people and well it was just a ton of fun!

A big thanx to Alden for doing that!


I woke up at 504A and was congested and had a headache and just couldn't bear the thought of going running. I walked The Calvinator and then fell asleep in a fetal position on the couch. Eventually I woke up, brushed myself off and started all over again.

I had to be at Spec's at 1000A to pick up booze, beer and wine. I THOUGHT my order would be ready but they waited until I got there to pull the stuff. And then part of the order was wrong and part of it was missing. So at 1055A I was finally in The Cal Mobile making my way to Winter Street Studios. The Cal Mobile was loaded down.

Some Krewe members helped me unload the goods. After I left there I had some odds and ends to do before heading back to Winter Street Studios. Met up with Blaine and DJ Dan Meador. We got him situated and I had enough time to do a couple of things and get back. The ice man cometh on time. If you're in the Houston area and you need to order large amounts of ice, I highly recommend Ice Express. They called to confirm time and place and were right on time.

The Fais Do Do was fun. Winter Street Studios had ample space for the event. A special thank you to my bar bois who worked the shifts last night. And an extra special thank you to George Garcia and Tony Contreras for their extra effort yesterday!

I've posted some photos from last night. One of the guests was James Getzlaff from Boy Meets Boy. He was in town for an event sponsored by Pride Houston and he stopped by for some Jambalaya. James is the first reality TV star that I have met. Very nice guy.

While I was hovering over the bar, I spoke with AttyFrank. He is always fun to talk to. AttyFrank told me that he reads Str8UpWithATwist. It is always cool to find out who is reading Str8UpWithATwist. AttyFrank has been a long time supporter of the Krewe. A special thank you to AttyFrank and our other underwriters for helping us make things happen!

Part of the party was a raffle for a 40" flat screen tv and a silent auction. Artists Sands Stiefer and John Palmer displayed some of their work and guests could purchase the art work.

Some of the silent auction items.

I got home and had to unload The Liquor Mobile...uh, I mean The Cal Mobile. I didn't want to drive around the Bayou City looking like I was a drunk. (No comments please!)

Right now my dining room, kitchen and living room look like I'm gonna set up a liquor store. Hmmm. My next career choice? And I keep humming Amy Winehouse's Rehab.


I slept in. No church. No gym. Just some time with The Calvinator and I made time to read the Sunday paper. While I was at the office, Montrose/Midtown David stopped by. He had just finished running and was going to the Texans game later.

Montrose/Midtown David is a good egg. He is intrigued by Kaye Sedilla. He missed her last performance because he was afraid Kaye Sedilla would serenade him.

And back to the no gym thing. I think I've hauled enough sh_t around the past few days and sweated more than I ever would lifting weights so in my mind I'm ahead.

This party that we went to makes me want to become bulimic. I hate pretty people. I have to ask myself: Are they really happy? How hard do they have to work to be pretty?

Well considering that I absolutely hate to vomit, I guess bulemia is out of the question. And since I love to eat, anorexia is also out of the question. Well sh_t. I guess I have to keep running and spinning.

Many of the usual suspects were at the BCBC event. And I wish that I had taken my camera. You would not believe this house. And it wasn't so much the house as it was the pool area. OMG. I had no idea that something like that was in Montrose. I almost felt like I was in South Beach or Beverly Hills.

Unfortunately I have a new vice now. UV Vodka/Lemonade. At first I couldn't figure out why so many bois were drinking pink drinks. Then I saw a vodka bottle at one of the bar stations and I thought, "Hmmm. I'll try that with some tonic." Next thing I know, AttyHou, Everyday Italian and I are slamming them down.

It really is a Summer drink but considering that Houston only has two seasons, it was OK to drink it. (Remember, those two seasons are Summer and August so according to my calendar we are back into Summer.)

So that catches me up, sorta. I'll try not to stay away for so long.

I have quite a bit on my mind (i.e. Marion Jones, Chicago Marathon) but I'll save that for another day.

1 comment:

"Tommy" said...

well at least you are having a better time of it than me.

glad that your function was a wonderful success.