Sunday, November 25, 2007

T 'n T (This and That for Nov. 25, 2007)

It's time to catch up and I'm not sure if I should go backwards or forwards or just ramble as I am prone to doing.

Belated Birthday Greetings

Saturday, Nov. 24 was JLo's Birthday. No, not THAT JLo. The JLo I'm referring to is the one who lives in North Carolina.

On paper JLo worked for me but in reality we worked together. She is another good egg in my life.

For her birthday, her husband gave her a dog but she can't get it until Dec. 24. So in the meantime they have to get the house ready for the new arrival.

Although I talk to JLo quite often, I have not seen her in awhile. Here is a picture of her.

Happy Birthday JLo!

Who Let The Dog's Out?

On Friday, Joe & Helen's house became Doggy Central Station. Here's what happened.

Joe & Helen have a Cocker Spaniel named Frex. He is almost 2 years old. Frex likes to steal The Calvinator's treats and food. With the exception of that, they get along.

Next on the list of players is Hogan. Hogan is a Golden Retriever that is the size of pony! He is very docile and he belongs to Richard. Richard is my red-headed quasi-adopted brother from England. It is a very long story but in a nutshell...when he moved to Ft. Worth to attend college my parents took him under their wing. He would attend Sunday Mass with them and join them for the family lunch. So in other words, when I left Ft. Worth, he took my place at the dinner table. He graduated and stayed in Ft. Worth and is now married and now has a dog. They came to visit on Friday.

So now we have: The Calvinator, Frex and Hogan.

While we were eating lunch and the three dogs were outside my brother arrives with his three dogs. He has two Schnauzers named Max and Buddy and little fluffy white dog named Fluffy. Those three dogs are hell on wheels.

Don't get me wrong. I like dogs but that was three dogs too many at Joe & Helen's house. Calvin had enough and started to rumble with Fluffy which made Helen scream. I was helping with the dishes and nobody would do anything so I had to crawl under the dining room table and break up the fight and even though Calvin didn't start it I took him to the other room to calm down. It was a bit much for both of us.

Speaking of Calvin

Joe & Helen had some of Helen's family over for Thanksgiving Day. Every time the doorbell would ring, Calvin had to run through the house to greet the new arrivals. So I'm sitting in the living room with him and my cousin Mario walks in.

Calvin is sitting on my lap being sociable. Mario walks up to him and says, "What's up dawg? That's D-A-W-G!" and he starts to laugh and shake Calvin's paw.

I see this look come across Calvin's face that says, "WTF?" and he starts to bark at Mario. LOL Mario walks off and I teasingly say, "Go get him." And he does! LOL He goes over to Mario and starts barking at him and tries to tear at his leather coat. Another cousin assumes that Calvin works for PETA. I think he was insulted that Mario called him a dog.

And speaking of Thanksgiving Day

It snowed. Yes, snow. It started with rain on Thursday afternoon and then it turned to sleet and then it started to snow. Big flakes.

Somebody commented that it never snows this early in Ft. Worth. While I agree with that, I reminded them that in 1992 (or 1993) on Thanksgiving Day it started to sleet around 1100A and it accumulated.

My brother had to take me downtown to catch a shuttle to the airport because I wanted to catch an early flight back to Houston. I was scheduled to leave late that night because I was the only in my office who was working on Friday.

Long story short, flights were cancelled at DFW and I did eventually make it back to Houston late that night. Lunch was pizza at the airport and dinner was some leftover Frito Pie that I had in my refrigerator.

And speaking of bad weather

It has been nasty here in The Bayou City. The downpour started some time after 430A and it continued most of the day.

I'm not sure the temperature ever got above 48 degrees Fahrenheit. It's the kind of cold that goes to the bone. YUCK!

So that catches us up. Except that I missed a party on Saturday night. I was laying on the couch and fell asleep and well...

1 comment:

Margo said...

I bet Calvin is super-happy to be back home with peace and quiet - I know Bailey is glad to have her house back!