Thursday, May 15, 2008

" " -Marcel Marceau

Remember that saying, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." or was it, "If you don't have something nice to say, come and sit next to me."?

Makes me think of a card that I sold back in the '80s that said, "Some times I say the wrong thing just to have something to say." (And yes, I thought that one up myself and many people purchased it after they had an argument with their spouse/partner. My other favorite was a Father's Day card that I made that said, "To a man who works hard, plays hard and can still wake up hard." That was a big seller also.)

I actually do have some things to say and they're not very nice so I'm not going to say much of anything today.

I'm sort of in a self-censor mode. There is a bunch of stuff going on but if I put it out here I'll end up sounding like:

1) I'm looking for sympathy;
2) Chicken Little;
3) I'm a big drama queen.

I think part of it is that I've been feeling run down. I was fine on Monday morning when I went running and I was fine when I went to spin class and then I wasn't fine. I think I lost too many electrolytes and then kicked the metabolism into high gear and I feel like I can't eat enough this week and I don't want to eat a bunch so I've been feeling kind of weak. My blood sugar seems to be really low and I can gulp down a big thing of Gatorade without stopping.

Yesterday I went to Memorial Park for a 3 mile jaunt and I actually stood there for 15 minutes trying to decide what to do. So I walked 1 mile and ran the last 2 and was worn out.

Also, there is some weird energy floating around out there. Maybe it is the onset of the hot, humid weather that is causing this to happen.

Anywho...I'm working on a funny post (or at least I think it is funny) but it is sorta like a Show 'n Tell and I'm working on the pics (for the Show) so that I can tell.

Enough about me.

I do have a favor to ask. A longtime friend of mine and an avid reader of Str8 Up With A Twist has recently been (as in this week) diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The good news is that at least she knows the cause of her ailments. So just send some positive thoughts her way to help her make some adjustments to her life. Thanx.

And yes, this is probably one of the most unusual post I've written...up to this point.


Viv said...

I love the come sit next to me. Hang in there, Timmy. Feel free to rant when needed, I will always listen...well read.

It's the humidity it fracks everything up. I always blame a bad hair do, to I'm fat on the humidity.

I will keep you friend in my thoughts.

"Tommy" said...

well...lets hope all will be good for her as the years pass, ms is strange aliment, .... it comes fast some times, then slow the next....lets hope its slow for her...that she enjoys her years.

Margo said...

You can always call or ramble in emails to me. Keeping your friend in my prayers.