Wednesday, June 18, 2008

WTF Wednesday

Last night was not a good night. I had trouble falling asleep. Calvin didn't want to have anything to do with me. Guess he was picking up on my vibes.

So after tossing and turning I finally fell asleep but was up at 4:30 a.m. I putzed around (having trouble with my internet connection), walked Calvin and went to the park for a run.

I'm not in the best of moods and already little things are p!ssing me off. Do I care that Michelle Obama is going to co-host on The View today? Not really. Do I care that it might rain today? Not really. Do I care about much today? Not really.

I've turned off my phone and maybe I'll turn it on later. It's not ringing much these days anyway so why bother.

So while I'm in my bad mood watching a delivery truck block traffic on Memorial Drive, a barista takes his coffee break and two HPD cops come out to talk to him. They ask him what would he have done if Hillary Clinton had won the nomination. He says that if she stole the nomination (whatever Mary!) he would have protested and they probably would have arrested him. So one of the cops says that everyone has the right to free speech and the right to assemble and blah, blah, blah...

I tune them out. The cops leave and the barista who is at least 25 years younger than me says, "blah, blah, blah." He was talking to me and I really wasn't listening. I get the feeling that he is looking at me so I look over and he says, "Are you a Hillary supporter?" I say, "Yes." He says, "Well I didn't mean to offend you." I say, "I wasn't really listening to you and why did you assume I supported Hillary." He says, "You look like you fit the demographic and statistics don't lie do they?" I give a polite fake laugh and went back to my paper.

So I must ask, "WTF was that about?"


mjr1066 said...

MORONS...they're all morons......

Anonymous said...

Douchebags. Major douche!

"Tommy" said...

well...i know that your days will become better.

just hang in there

Anonymous said...

Sweetie- you need to let Miss G mix you up a batch of Karen Walker Party Mix- you seem kinda donw!

AnnaBanana said...

Sorry you're in a crappy mood. I'm going to steak night @ PJs on West Grey tonight if you'd like to come - I'll even buy you a free beverage of your chosing!
A change of atmosphere, a dive bar, the smell of steaks grill & meeting some friendly strangers may help!

A Girl From Texas said...

I have been feeling the same way, too. I tried to go to sleep last night and couldn't do it. I paced the floor and yelled at people in my head.

I usually cave and take a benedryl to help me fall asleep.

I'm hoping this trip will help with the edge.

Viv said...

Hope you see brighter days soon, bud. We have to go through these to get better one, right. You can punch me know if you want. Barrista's get on my nerves..(my iss used to be one. )

nickabouttown said...

I would have smacked the shit out of him...seriously.

With that being said, the week is almost over :-) And I still have my Hillary signs up!