Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sordid Lives Party (recap)

A picture is worth a thousand words.

All I'm gonna say is that it was a fun time last night. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Krewe.

The ribbon on this side says: God Called
and the ribbon on this side said: Peggy Answered

BTW...Has anyone tried this product by Alka-Seltzer? It reminds me of some stuff I purchased in OZ several years ago. The stuff from OZ had a citrus flavor and was fizzy. Just asking cause I'm feeling really spent today.

EDIT: Thanx to the blogger formerly known as Bobby Vanquish, I figured out that the stuff from OZ is named Berocca.


Anonymous said...

ya didn't think i'd make it did ya mamma!

A Girl From Texas said...

Wow, how fun! you actually crossed my mind last night while dining at Rouge it looks like you had a really good time.

Rick said...

My just look at your pecs Lil Abner. Smoking! You look like a wild bunch.

Brettcajun said...

Was that you in the overalls??? HUBBA HUBBA!!! Looking good!

Timmy said...

alnhouston: LOL

a girl from texas: you should have stopped by. we were collecting money to pay for Peggy's funeral.

cj and brettcajun: you're making me blush.

nickabouttown said...

Can you see my pussy now???

Viv said...

Great pictures! Timmy you look hawt in overalls!

Anonymous said...

Timmy! What the hell sort of party is this?! LOVING IT!
And it's Berocca and I was going to say the other day, it's abundant here in the UK.
If you want some I can arrange for some for you.