Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Running On Empty

I was in bed by 900P last night. Even though I slept most of the day, I had no problema going to sleep last night.

I was waking up every 2-3 hours or so to pee. You see, I was afraid that I would dehydrate so I drank plenty of fluids. Many bottles of Gatorade, some water and a Sprite. My pee was so clear I could have read War & Peace through it.

SIDEBAR: Runners know when they are well hydrated by looking at the color of their pee. If it is dark, you are dehydrated.

The only food that I consumed yesterday was some chicken & rice soup for lunch and 1/2 a turkey sandwich for dinner. That was it!

So this morning I woke up and felt good enough to go for a jaunt around the park. I finished 3 miles but it wasn't one of my best runs. My fuel tank was empty and I didn't have much energy. The KWs were doing speed work and I was eating their dust.

Hopefully, I'll be able to consume more food today and get the energy level up.


Anonymous said...

Aha! That was you. I finished my speedwork and someone I thought I recognized ran by, and I thought it might be you. Bet it was!


Timmy said...

It probably was me. I was moving like the tortoise.