Saturday, July 12, 2008

You talkin' to me?

I'm not just sayin' this because he is mine but I swear Calvin is part human. He is tempermental. He is moody. He is funny. He is an escape artist. He is a dog that attracts quite a bit of attention. Calvin wags his tail to the beat of his own drummer.
Many times at Memorial Park people will stop and ask me about him. After our walks we usually cool off and rest in the jungle gym area. People will walk up, ask his name and then ask if they can pet him. He obliges them. Men and women love to hug on The Calvinator.

Today at Memorial Park Calvin proved that he isn't just any other dog struttin' his stuff.

SIDEBAR: Calvin does strut. He wags his butt with the confidence of a bodybuilder.

We were chillin' out in the jungle gym area and there was a kid sitting near us. The kid would hit his hand on the bench to try and get Calvin's attention. He did this several times and Calvin refused to look in his direction. So then the kid said, "Hey dog. Hey. Dog." Calvin wouldn't even turn around.

I politely tell the kid that his name is Calvin. So the kid says, "Hey Calvin." Calvin got up and walked over to the kid and gave the kid some sugar and let the kid pet him.

A few minutes later when we were leaving there was a guy who had just finished running asked me about Calvin's breed. Calvin was ignoring the guy as we talked until the guy asked me his name. When he said Calvin's name he turned around. The guy leaned over and Calvin was licking all over his face. The guy thought it was sweet but I knew it was the salt in his sweat that Calvin was going after.

Speaking of dogs...

While we were at the park, we saw Midtown/Montrose David, Neighbor Nina and Upper Kirby Steven. While I was talking with Upper Kirby Steven some dogs were approaching that were out of Calvin's line of vision. All of a sudden he jumps up and starts his whimpering and whining which lead to this topic of discussion...

Do dogs have dogdar? You know, like radar or gaydar? Just askin'.


Anonymous said...

definitely dogdar...and Calvin is definitely one of a kind. too cute.

Rick said...

He's a Stah! My Golden is much that way. She needs puppy prosac or something. My Lab is always up.

A Girl From Texas said...

I wonder if he smelled them. But also, they have outstanding hearing and could probably hear them panting.

Viv said...

Another stellar Calvin pic!