Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pic of the day - 01.11.14

Saturday was a weird day.  Plans did not go as planned and I was irritated the entire day. Plus,  I have something hanging over my head that was amplified by my irritation.
On my driving around on Saturday I saw a truck that was painted with a portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  If I had to guess,  the owner of the truck probably prayed to her and the prayer was answered.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint of Mexico.  She is Mary,  Mother of Jesus, who appeared to Juan Diego who in turn was sent to the bishop with requests from Mary.  When she appeared to Juan Diego, her skin was brown like his.  Her feast day is December 12 and it is a throughout Latin America and in cities that have a high percentage of the population who are Hispanic.

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