Monday, January 6, 2014

North-South vs. East-West

I've often wondered why The Calvinator walks around in a circle before he poops.  (He also, kicks dirt and sort of looks like he is doing The Running Man when he finishes.)  There are several theories about the circling (looking for predators before being in a vunerable position; matting down the leaves & grass; looking for a clean spot).  So now we have a new theory.

According to this article in New York Post, dogs are aligning themselves with the magnetic field of the earth.  Dogs prefer to poop facing north-south as opposed to east-west.  Hmmm...I've never noticed but I guess I'll start paying more attention.  I have a good sense of north-south so I won't have to carry a compass.  I wouldn't be surprised if The Calvinator doesn't face north-south; he isn't just any ordinary dog.

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