Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ramblings Of A Caffeinated Mind 17.0

Last night at Krewe of Olympus's Fais Do Do I was publicly reprimanded for being a bad blogger. You see...

I have several readers who live and breath by Str8 Up With A Twist. It seems that I have let them down. I explained to one that because of my new job I don't have as much time on my hands and I don't think it would be appropriate to spend a bunch of time at work blogging. So I guess I could quit my job and blog full-time?

Just thinking about the conversation made me think of a song. This next clip is dedicated to Kenny In Montrose (KIM).

Big As A House Car
I can't stop eating! Ever since Ike bitch slapped Houston I have been on an eating binge and I have reduced the amount of time that I spend on my fitness routine. Now...part of this has to do with the fact that that's the night that lights went out in Georgia Memorial Park and it was a bit difficult to run in the dark.

Also, the work schedule and other commitments are interfering with my workouts at LeFittes. These are not excuses but just facts.

However, I could cut back on my eating but well Houston is known for it's good food and some of my friends are good cooks and who am I to say no to a good meal? Just sayin'.

Today I was with AttyHou in The Cal Mobile and there was a lady at a service bent over putting air in her tires. Her car was a Mini Cooper and lets just say her ass was so wide you couldn't see the side of the car. Guess that is the reminder I need to cut back on my eating.

Fais Do Do
Last night Krewe of Olympus had our Fais Do Do (fundraising party). Pretty much it's a reason to get together, eat homemade Cajun food and drink adult beverages. It was a bunch of fun.

I schlepped drinks for a couple of shifts and chatted with our guests when I wasn't schlepping drinks. There were many new faces and I hope that everyone had a good time.

Needless to say, I was a bit tired this morning but I did make it to LeFittes for a workout. And in anticipation of eating quite a bit on Saturday evening, I did a quick jaunt around Memorial Park on Saturday morning.

And In Case You Missed Sarah Palin on SNL


Anonymous said...

yea, are you back? my patience was waning while you were getting your groove together w/new job, etc. You are back, right?
also, be careful of Frenchy's fried chicken, you will be juicy & plump just like their chicken if you aren't careful:)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh you sweetie. (and there I was thinking that you were drunk off your butt & not going to remember that I chastized you for not blogging for a week.) well - now we have electricity, gasoline, Kroger ....& tim is blogging. All is well in my world.
Ken C

"Tommy" said...

your not the only one that is eating eating eating.

its the post hurricane blues...

what can i say...hurricane season is almost over..

we will lose wgt after November.

Viv said...

We do miss you in the blog world but a paying job is a little important huh? LOL! Oh, Timmy I so hear you on the weight gain I have no idea what Ike unleased in my dayum stomach. I eat then I eat some more. That stops after this weekend hello gotta get the last drinking send off in. HAHAHA