Monday, October 6, 2008


I was faced with a dilemma this evening. It all had to do with which street I turned left on to get home. You see...

If I turned left on Gray, that would take me to West Gray which would put me within spitting distance of LeFittes. If I turned left on St. Joseph, that would eventually put me on a few streets to take me to Memorial Drive which would take me home. What to do?

This morning I woke up around 3:00a.m. and had a sore throat and was sneezing so no running for me! Knowing that I had done any physical exercise today I decided to go to LeFittes.

I'm a bit tired right now due to my illness and fitness routine but I do feel better from physical exertion. I guess I should always keep a change of clothes in the car in case I'm faced with similar

1 comment:

Margo said...

So many people at work had the same thing on Monday. I was nursing a sore throat all day Sunday. Hope there's nothing going around!