The Galleria has an indoor ice skating rink. When I was s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g, it struck me as kinda funny that outside it was 86 degrees & 59% relative humidity and inside there were people on ice. Kinda messes with your brain.
One of the things that I do when I'm s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g at Nordstrom is to call Edmond Janet from the women's shoe dept. at Nordstrom and say, "I'm passing by the women's shoe dept. at Nordtrom and you're not here." 

Janet is a good egg that I used to work with and travel with and s-h-o-p with whenever we could find a Nordstrom. Her fetish for shoes is as strong as mine. I did go through the men's shoe dept. and found so many shoes that I liked, I started to get woozy so I left. I was really at Nordstrom to purchase a Fathers Day gift for Joe.
In case I haven't told you, I *heart* Nordstrom!
In case I haven't told you, I *heart* Nordstrom!
I did venture out into the mall and make some other purchases...didn't buy any shoes 'cause I ordered some running shoes the other day when I THOUGHT I might need them to run in the ING NYC Marathon (I need to get over that).
I actually stepped into The Gap. I don't *heart* The Gap anymore. They lost their way and alienated a strong customer base. I was actually surprised that I was able to find something that I liked.
I stepped foot into Abercrombie & Fitch. Hadn't been in there in about a year. And then I asked myself, "At what age do you stop shopping at A&F?" and then I thought, "If you have to ask, you've prolly reached that age." I left without making a purchase.
It reminded me of a conversation that I had with Good Egg Jeremy about a Will & Grace episode. Will is trying to dress youthful and Jack says, "Ring, ring. Will. Your youth just called. It's looking for you." (or something to that effect.)
And just in case I haven't told you I *heart* Chick-fil-a!

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