Today is also Roni’s birthday. Roni is my only sister. I won’t tell you how old she is today but I will tell you that Eisenhower was President. (hint hint) Roni has been teaching in FWISD since 1981.
I won’t tell the story about how she bit me because I wouldn’t stop reading the comics over her shoulder. And I won’t tell you how she would tell me to go hide because there was a tornado coming…just so I would leave her alone...and the sun would be shining. And I won’t tell you how later in life she turned into a Mardi Gras bead wh_re (I set the example and she learned from the best). I won’t tell these stories because I’m sure she could one up me.
I’ve posted some photos of Roni. If you’re in Ft. Worth and you see her today, wish her a Feliz Cumpleaños!
This is Roni when she was very young. One of my uncles said she was the prettiest baby he had ever seen. (Those words just sting!) :-)
Here we are in coordinated outfits. She is acting a bit coy and I'm doing my best imitation of a Weeble Wobble. On second thought, I look a bit drunk. Maybe this was a premonition of what would happen years later in the French Quarter.
Here are the three siblings.
Here is Roni's Senior picture. All three of us went to Nolan High School in Ft. Worth.
This is Roni & Joey at the Krewe Ball in 2006. Once again, she is acting coy and only wearing a "couple of strands" of Mardi Gras beads. (I'm sure there was a bag full of beads that didn't get photographed.)
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