I used to be able to tolerate Ann Coulter. I’d listen to her and roll my eyes ‘cause she was good for a laugh every now and then. (And recently, Kathy Griffin is getting a ton of laughs at Ann Coulter’s expense.)
At some point Ann Coulter got too big for her britches. Celebrity went to her head. She stopped buying new clothes and started wearing the same black cocktail dress at morning, noon and night…with black Ray Bans. 
If you haven’t kept up with what has put a new bee in my bonnet, you can see the footage from Hardball on YouTube or read the story on USA Today. It really started back in January when she referred to John Edwards as a f****t. What was the point of THAT?!?!

If you haven’t kept up with what has put a new bee in my bonnet, you can see the footage from Hardball on YouTube or read the story on USA Today. It really started back in January when she referred to John Edwards as a f****t
People like Ann Coulter really irritate me. They talk just to hear themselves talk (except she gets paid big bucks). They say things just to say them. I’ve worked with people like her (and I’m not naming names but some of you can figure it out). They’re hard to ignore because they won’t shut up. And if you get into an argument with them, they won’t argue the facts. They just mouth off. They say things just to say things. Specific to Ann Coulter, our political views are miles apart from each other.
And here’s to Elizabeth Edwards for standing up to her. I have no idea if it was a calculated move by the Edwards campaign but I don’t think so. I think Elizabeth is just as fed up as I am. So here’s a You Geaux Girl Award to Elizabeth Edwards. And good for the Edwards campaign for using Ann Coulter to raise money. I’m sure that if Ann Richards was still with us she would join the mêlée. 
I really wish Ann Coulter would go away. Go buy a new dress. Do something other than mouth off! In the words of Ann Richards, “Would you puh-leeze shut up?”

I really wish Ann Coulter would go away. Go buy a new dress. Do something other than mouth off! In the words of Ann Richards, “Would you puh-leeze shut up?”
PS I was late with this post because I've been up to something this morning. Can't give the details just yet. :-)
1 comment:
I want Ann Coulter to go away, condition her hair, buy a new dress and not be so hateful.
Thank goodness and can just turn her off!
God bless Ann Richards
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