Yesterday morning, after running and cleaning up, I went to the office. When I pulled into the parking lot I thought something was odd because there weren't very many cars. I figured that because it was a Monday maybe everyone was running late.
Turns out that the whole center was without power and the office was closed! UGH! I took a deep breath, got my thoughts in order and decided to go to a different office location. Most people would see this as an opportunity to take the day off but I needed to feed my addiction to the office. So yesterday I temporarily officed at another location.
This morning I went to the office and OMG! The furniture had been rearranged! My desk had been moved. The counter where we get our supplies had been moved. And what was most annoying is that the receptionists were getting a kick out of watching people walking in cirlces looking confused while Paul McCartney's new cd played in the background.
The usual suspects were there: the lady with the loud voice that reads the paper out loud to her bf; surfer dude-the contractor who always sits outside of the office; hot cop; the new doc; the guy whose pants are too big; the guy who always wears a blazer no matter what; and many others.
Someone was sitting at my desk so I sat somewhere else. It is going to take some getting used to. Not sure that I like the new floor plan.
i think you need to find more of a mom and pop "Office." They are much better than the corporate world which is crazy and saturated.
Good point. However, I must have an addiction to logos that are circular and have a shade of green. So now I'm humming "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse.
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