This weather isn't helping matters any. We've had three days of gully washe
rs. The sea breeze mixes with the hot air which has something to do with a low pressure system over central/ north Texas and well, we get thunder, lightning, rain and high winds.

Before my two hour nap this afternoon, I watched one of my favorite movies, Moonstruck. I'm sitting here watching another favorite movie, The Usual Suspects. The Calvinator is eating a Frosty Paw.
A couple of years ago San Francisco Steve told me about a frozen dog treat, Frosty Paws. I searched high and low and finally found them. Little did I know, Calvin would become addicted. Seriously. He will mope around and pout and give me sad eyes until I give him his nightly fix.
Frosty Paws are difficult to find because they have to share shelf space with human ice cream treats in the Frozen Food Department. AND not every grocery store sells them. I was hoping that when Purina purchased the company the distribution of the product would improve but it hasn't. Trust me. I've written an e-mail to Purina about the situation.

One day I drove around Houston trying to track down the frozen treats. I couldn't find them anywhere in Houston. I had this fear of Calvin "going Whitney Houston" on me and me being mauled in my sleep.
I finally tracked down a recipe that I use when I can't find the real thing. It's all about keeping The Calvinator happy. (And now I'm humming Amy Winehouse's Rehab to myself.) Calvin knows that the Frosty Paws are kept in the freezer. In fact, I have to speak in code so that he doesn't go ape wild on me. So if you ever hear me say, "FP" that is code for Frosty Paws.
One last know how humans get brain freezes from eating ice cold food too fast? The same thing happens
to Calvin. And ya'd think that he would figure it out. Au contraire! Every night he gets a brain freeze, comes into the living room, drags his head on the floor, shakes his head several times, sneezes and then stares at me.

I swear..."FPs are frozen crack" for dogs!
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