PREFACE Ever since I was a little kid I have had vivid dreams (in color of course) while I sleep. My family has always "teased" me because I have a knack for remembering the details. Joe suggested one time that I write down my dreams. I've always been afraid to do that because I'm afraid the journal will fall into the wrong hands and I'll be sent away to an insane asylum.
At this point in my life, what have I got to lose. So...I'll start posting some of my dreams beginning with the one that happened early this morning.
DREAM I was working at a dance studio and it was going out of business. My job was to make sure that the building was vacant before I turned off the lights and locked the doors.
Before I left the building, I decided to "check my look in the mirror." OMG! I weighed 400 lbs.! However, it must have been one of those trick mirrors because if I turned sideways, I looked like I could be the cover model for Men's Fitness.
So I decided to go running. Some sort of marathon I think because the next thing I know I am near Sammy's Barbecue and Sylvania Park in Ft. Worth. Turns out it is some type of relay and Runner One and his wife are supposed to run the next leg. They don't want to so I keep on running but get put in a hold pattern on Beach Street at E. Belknap.
The finish line is somewhere near Joe & Helen's house but I know that there has to be some loops in there because I have at least 3 more miles to run and their house isn't that far.
I finally get the go ahead to run again and I only have 30 minutes if I want to come in under a 4 hour 30 minute marathon. So I take off down Beach Street toward N.E. 28th Street. And of course there are loops. Loops that take me into backyards and kitchens! UGH!
I finally approach the finish line which is at the Texas Motor Speedway (nowhere near Joe & Helen's). However, it had turned into a velodrome and the track was painted scarlet red. I had to dodge the cyclists to make it to the infield.
Guess who was waiting for me in the infield? BFF AttyHou who was eating a bag of Lay's Potato Chips fried in Trans Fat!!!!! And of course I partook of the chips.

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