Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sounds Like A Sticky Situation

I've always been sort of a history nut.  I think I got that from my dad. 

I was totally confused while I was watching Les Miserables because it didn't match what I remembered about the French Revolution...not that I really studied French history but it wasn't aligning with the facts in my head.  So...

After the movie was over I and while I was still in the theatre (yes, that is the French spelling), I had to Google Les Miserables and figure just where on the timeline of French history this actually took place.  Stop...

I am getting way off subject here because this has nothing to do with what I really wanted to talk about.  So...

This morning when I was reading/looking at Facebook, someone posted a link to a story about people being killed by molasses in Boston.  Yes, molasses.  I read the story and while it is tragic, it still has me chuckling.  No disrespect for the dead but is a rather fascinating story.

To read the whole story, click here.

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